


  • SQL 语句性能:这是性能问题的最常见原因,表名应该从哪里着手。
  • 架构设计:根据 SQL架构和工作负载的数据访问模式,可能需要进行更改以避免创建事务争用或热点。
  • 集群拓扑:作为一个分布式系统,hubble要求您权衡延迟与弹性。这需要根据需要选择正确的集群拓扑。


要获得良好的 SQL 语句性能,请遵循以下规则:

  • 1.扫描尽可能少的行。如果您的应用程序扫描的行数超过了给定语句所需的行数,则将难以扩展。
  • 2.使用正确的索引。WHERE您的语句应该在子句中的列上使用索引。您希望避免全表扫描对性能的影响。
  • 3.使用正确的连接类型。根据您查询的表的相对大小,连接的类型可能很重要。



  • 查询缓慢的最常见原因是次优SELECT语句,包括全表扫描和不正确使用索引。当基于不在主键或任何二级索引中的列从大表中检索少量行时,通常会获得较差的性能:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Cheyenne Smith';

                   id                  |   city    |      name      |           address            | credit_card
  326d3a95-fe03-4600-8000-00000003c1d0 | boston    | Cheyenne Smith | 84252 Bradley Coves Suite 38 | 2369363335
  c6b45c93-7ecd-4800-8000-0000000ecdfd | amsterdam | Cheyenne Smith | 29149 Jane Lake              | 6072991876
  5edbdde1-c806-4400-8000-00000007114a | seattle   | Cheyenne Smith | 90016 Anthony Groves         | 3618456173
  60edde95-4c2d-4000-8000-0000000738c7 | seattle   | Cheyenne Smith | 70310 Knight Roads Suite 36  | 9909070365
  00024e8e-d94c-4710-8000-00000000002c | new york  | Cheyenne Smith | 8550 Kelsey Flats            | 4374468739
  0c777227-64c8-4780-8000-00000000edc8 | new york  | Cheyenne Smith | 47925 Cox Ways               | 7070681549
(1 row)

Time: 981ms total (execution 981ms / network 0ms)
  • 要了解此查询为何表现不佳,使用EXPLAIN:
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Cheyenne Smith';
  distribution: full
  vectorized: true

  • filter
  │ estimated row count: 3
  │ filter: name = 'Cheyenne Smith'
  └── • scan
        estimated row count: 1,259,634 (100% of the table; stats collected 3 minutes ago)
        table: users@primary
        spans: FULL SCAN
  • table: users@primary primary表示使用( )来扫描表( )的索引users。spans: FULL SCAN向您展示,在列上没有二级索引的情况下name,hubble会扫描表的每一行,users按主键 (city/ id) 排序,直到找到具有正确name值的行。


CREATE INDEX on users (name);


SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'Cheyenne Smith';
                   id                  |   city    |      name      |           address            | credit_card
  c6b45c93-7ecd-4800-8000-0000000ecdfd | amsterdam | Cheyenne Smith | 29149 Jane Lake              | 6072991876
  326d3a95-fe03-4600-8000-00000003c1d0 | boston    | Cheyenne Smith | 84252 Bradley Coves Suite 38 | 2369363335
  00024e8e-d94c-4710-8000-00000000002c | new york  | Cheyenne Smith | 8550 Kelsey Flats            | 4374468739
  0c777227-64c8-4780-8000-00000000edc8 | new york  | Cheyenne Smith | 47925 Cox Ways               | 7070681549
  5edbdde1-c806-4400-8000-00000007114a | seattle   | Cheyenne Smith | 90016 Anthony Groves         | 3618456173
  60edde95-4c2d-4000-8000-0000000738c7 | seattle   | Cheyenne Smith | 70310 Knight Roads Suite 36  | 9909070365
(6 rows)

Time: 24ms total (execution 3ms / network 0ms)
  • 这表明hubble从二级索引 (users@users_name_idx)开始。因为是按 排序的name,所以查询可以直接跳转到相关值(/'Cheyenne Smith' - /'Cheyenne Smith')。但是,查询需要返回不在二级索引中的值,因此hubble 抓取与该值一起存储的主键(city/id)name(主键始终与二级索引中的条目一起存储),跳转到主索引中的该值,然后返回整行。



SELECT name,credit_card FROM users WHERE name = 'Cheyenne Smith';
    name      | credit_card
  Cheyenne Smith | 6072991876
  Cheyenne Smith | 2369363335
  Cheyenne Smith | 4374468739
  Cheyenne Smith | 7070681549
  Cheyenne Smith | 3618456173
  Cheyenne Smith | 9909070365
(1 row)

Time: 14ms total (execution 4ms / network 0ms)
  • 在当前二级索引开启的情况name下,hubble仍然需要扫描一级索引来获取信用卡号:
EXPLAIN SELECT name, credit_card FROM users WHERE name = 'Cheyenne Smith';
  distribution: local
  vectorized: true

  • index join
  │ estimated row count: 3
  │ table: users@primary
  └── • scan
        estimated row count: 3 (<0.01% of the table; stats collected 2 minutes ago)
        table: users@users_name_idx
        spans: [/'Cheyenne Smith' - /'Cheyenne Smith']
  • 在上删除并重新创建索引name,这次将credit_card值存储在索引中:
DROP INDEX users_name_idx;

CREATE INDEX ON users (name) STORING (credit_card);
  • 现在credit_card值存储在索引中name,hubble只需要扫描该索引:
EXPLAIN SELECT name, credit_card FROM users WHERE name = 'Cheyenne Smith';
  distribution: local
  vectorized: true

    estimated row count: 3 (<0.01% of the table; stats collected 27 seconds ago)
    table: users@users_name_idx
    spans: [/'Cheyenne Smith' - /'Cheyenne Smith']
  • 这会带来更快的性能:
SELECT name, credit_card FROM users WHERE name = 'Cheyenne Smith';
     name      | credit_card
  Cheyenne Smith | 6072991876
  Cheyenne Smith | 2369363335
  Cheyenne Smith | 4374468739
  Cheyenne Smith | 7070681549
  Cheyenne Smith | 3618456173
  Cheyenne Smith | 9909070365
(6 rows)

Time: 2ms total (execution 2ms / network 0ms)